Data & Energy Analysis
Decalorie Team uses the concept that primary ways to find problems are to compare something to itself at a previous point in time i.e. energy in one period vs. energy in a previous “baseline”. Decalorie Team uses data we collect, data we create and external data to establish patterns of normal behavior, accounting for variables like temperature and time.Based on the historic data spread, Decalorie team generates bands of confidence that are used to signify deviations period.
Lists can be helpful, but visualizing data is critical to having insight and in doing comparisons.Decalorie Team looks for the opportunities to reduce energy consumption below the optimized rate. Develop and Analyze energy trends and anomalies.The analysis includes several varieties like fault diagnostics to find EEMs and O&M measures, tariff analysis for tariff optimization. The analysis could be at whole building level, plant level (Cooling/Heating), AHU level or at zone level.
Data Entry
Our Services divided into various parts and streams. The data entry outsourcing services that include, but not limited to:
Process Related Task
There are lots of different process task of companies that we can take care and process on time with excellent quality. Process related work like