BEE Star Rating
Our team of BEE Energy Auditors expertise in BEE Star rating program. This is National Commercial energy benchmarking initiative with a goal to set up a framework to Energy data collection, set the baseline, target setting and improves the energy performance. The Star Rating Program for buildings creates a demand for energy efficient buildings based on actual operating performance of the building in terms of specific energy usage. Buildings having a connected load of 100 kW or above are applicable for BEE star rating scheme. Star Rating Program for buildings which is based on the energy consumption is expressed in kWh/m2/year. This program rates on 1-5 scale and 5 star labeled buildings being most efficient.
This program is now categories in four sectors:
Existing buildings are the majority of the present building stock and should be at the heart of the discussion and action plans to cut greenhouse gases and create better workspaces, while contributing to the companies’ competitive advantage.